

“Crystal Park is a Taiwan diamond that shines bright in Holmes. We unite the world through art and embrace Taiwan from our home, New York.” -- Crystal Park Team

Crystal Park is a unique private nature retreat and art land (DO NOT OPEN TO PUBLIC) in the Mid-Hudson Valley, New York. The 360-acre scenic landscape of woodlands, rocky hills, mountains and lake provides an environment for relaxation and the display of art collection along with the creation of site-specific new pieces.

Education, outdoor leisure, sharing with the community, and promoting art and culture are lifelong passions of Thomas Chen, the founder and CEO of Crystal Window & Door Systems. With Crystal Park, Thomas has found a unique way to blend all of these virtues. Through observations and conversations with his diligent, mostly immigrant employees, he found that they, along with many people these days, spent nearly all their work and leisure time in the city, with much less time enjoying the natural beauty of the outdoors.  As an immigrant from Taiwan’s mountainous countryside with a strong personal love of nature, Thomas wants to share with his employees, business associates, family and friends a private natural place, not too far from New York City, where they could slow down the pace of life, be refreshed, and experience inspiring art along with New York State’s extraordinary outdoors.

In 2010, Crystal Park was founded in Pawling, NY. Many Crystal employees have helped in the development and establishment of trails and facilities throughout the property.  Future plans include gardens, farming areas, artist studio spaces, an art museum and the commission of outdoor sculptures by Taiwanese and international artists.


自1990年創辦協和門窗有限公司(Crystal Window &Door System, LTD)  以來,創辦人陳秋貴(Thomas Chen) 致力於推廣臺灣藝術文化,提升公司同仁的教育和休閒品質,積極參與社會慈善活動以回饋社會,並重視實踐目標的能力。多年來,有感於多數移民美國紐約的公司同仁,努力辛勤工作,卻少有機會接觸大自然,來自臺灣與身為美國移民的陳秋貴董事長,希望能藉著成立戶外藝術公園,提供公司同仁假日休閒放鬆的場所,鼓勵他們走出城市,轉換生活步調,體驗藝術和紐約市郊的自然景觀。

本著對藝術的熱愛和對臺灣山林的懷念,Thomas自2000年起開始在紐約市鄰近區域,尋找適合永續經營發展藝術休閒公園的地點。2010年選定Pawling, New York 為基地,佔地近360畝,Crystal Park藝術公園正式成立。Crystal Park是由眾多公司同仁共同親手建設,目前已開發多條自然步道,設有休憩和烤肉設施,正陸續規劃興建農場、馬場、藝術家工作室、陶瓷工作室及藝術收藏館。

Crystal Park計劃逐步邀請各國藝術家進駐公園創作戶外雕塑作品。在收藏藝術品和支持藝術創作之餘,也期許結合藝術家以門窗為創作主題,在公園內展示相關的藝術作品,提供參觀者以不同的角度欣賞和思考平日常見門窗物件的價值。


Thomas Chen - Founder

Kate Chang - Assistant Curator